Your 2018 New Years Resolution Guide:



Everyone has them. The infamous New Year resolutions. Whether it’s eating better, losing weight, goals for in the gym, out of the gym, goals of travel, for school, sleep. Everyone has different things to work on but the common theme with the resolutions is not following through with them. We have put together a few simple steps that we use at Maxmead to help our members reach their goals.


  1. Coming up with a plan- It is easy to say you are going to do something. “I am going on a diet.” “I am going to start a new workout routine.” “I am going to be more consistent with going to the gym.” Whatever it is you say you’re going to do, if there is not an action plan to follow it is very difficult to stick with. What do I mean by action plan? I mean sitting down and writing out ways that you are going to make these goals achievable. For example, you write down that your goal is to start the Whole 30 for the month of January. Next is taking a look at your schedule and lifestyle at the moment. What things will you need to change? What things might get in the way? From there you can come up with actions to help you be successful. One might be your work schedule is crazy and to be successful you need to spend Sunday evenings going to the grocery store and preparing food for the week. You can then take that action plan and plug the time you need for food prep into your schedule on your phone or daily planner.

  2. Starting Small- If you have a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) we are behind you 100% and say GO FOR IT! What we suggest for these life changing goals is to start small. What we mean by this is instead of changing everything all at once, start making a few changes every week. From step one you will have an action plan. If your goal requires you to make a lot of changes, start with a few and add changes as you go along. Like the old saying, Rome wasn’t built in a day, it takes time, practice, and repetition for these new lifestyle changes to set in.

  3. Community- Let people know what your goals are! Be excited about them and share them. Share your plan of action with your gym community, your family, your friends. Talking more about your action plans will help keep you accountable and someone you share with may have some great feedback or advice for you. When you include others and let them know your goals it can help you stay motivated, positive, and on track. It is also nice to have a community help you celebrate your small victories along the way.


When we have a new member join our clan at Maxmead they meet one-on-one with Coach Ryan, Coach Elizabeth, or Coach Brad for an  intro session. The goal for us is to have a better understanding of our new member. We try to get the whole picture of what their life looks like at the moment. We want to know how your sleep is, what stressors are apparent, how is nutrition and water intake, what are your lifestyle habits, what does your exercise routine look like, how often do you stretch? All of these things factor into your time spent at the gym and to best help you succeed we need to reach more of your life than the hour that you spend in class. From learning more about you we can then give you action steps. Small changes that you can make right away rather than big changes that are easy to give up on from being overwhelmed. From these small changes we help you along the way and will give you further steps to take down the road. This is why we call ourselves your ‘Coach for Life’. We want to see you succeed!


We are beyond grateful to have the opportunity to enrich the lives of others with better movement, nutrition, and a friendly, welcoming community that is a blessing to be a part of. If you are interested in joining our clan, or know someone who might be a good fit don’t hesitate to send us a message!


Goodbye to 2017 and all the wonderful lessons we have learned, friends we have made, experiences, and growth along the way and Hello to 2018 and a new adventure! We can’t wait to hear what your goals are and how we can help you succeed!