I started out January with 4 workouts per week. My plan was working well, for 11 days. Then a severe pain in my right arm shoulder and arm hit. Nerve pain leading to muscle spasms leading to loss of strength leading to numbness leading to nerve pain. So much for consistency, next move was containment and pain alleviation. Not much room for “fitness training”. But I kept positive and moved forward.
The most important thing that sprung from the last 3 weeks, was the adherance to my principle of Consisent Sifting and Winnowing by always being willing to put new things in the Hopper. When hospital visits and drugs weren’t moving the needle, I decided to try acupuncture. Finding someone to use needles around my spine was daunting. A good friend recommended Dr Chin. After learning of his decades of experience in Chinese medicine, I made an appointment.
After a long conversation about my activity and injury history (both are long!), followed by alot of explaination with anatomy diagrams (for those interested: Dr Netter’s work is available in Chinese!), Dr. Chin began a 3 hour session of acupuncture and massage. The results had some immediate results: pain reduction and the ability to sleep without meds. Then, on the subsequent days, the nerve pain has gone away. The feeling is returning. No more pain drugs needed. More work is required. However, the intervention worked and has allowed me to look forward again with optimism.
Today, a plan of action and activity: a meeting with a Physical therapist, upper body PT exercise plan , lower body strength work, walking (maybe a ruck), and lots of stretching. I may be back to consistent exercise, but positive thoughts and being open to something that moves me forward every day, has reinforced that being consistent starts with your basic self practices. Today, I re-start the process forward with some revised physical goals for the next 6 months.
Use your consisent belief in yourself, consistent action, consistent positive thoughts to move beyond the interruption when life deals you setback.