"Coach for Life"


"Coach for Life"

And other things we believe.

“Coach for life”,  “Every class, every member”,  “Train for life”.


A few phrases you’ll hear from coaches and members at Maxmead Fitness. We would like to explain what these phrases mean to us.

Each of our coaches at Maxmead Fitness has a contagious excitement and enthusiasm for fitness and health. That is set by owner, Ryan McDowell. Ryan has been coaching for 18+yrs. He passes on an “open mind and empty cup” mentality onto Coach Brad and Coach Elizabeth. As a team we have set a strong philosophy that we coach and live by. We want to help others move well, improve quality of life, and strive for a healthy style of living. We want them to have an awesome experience at our gym. To have a community that they can depend on. To feel support from their coaches and other members.  

How do we setup this atmosphere at Maxmead Fitness?

We meet with members one-on-one. We are a CrossFit gym with group classes. However, we want to get to know our members better. Having a ‘coach for life’ means staying in contact with you. We want to know what activities you are interested in. What your hobbies are; how you spend your time outside of the gym; that way we can help you get the most out of the time you spend in the gym. The more we learn about you as an individual athlete, the more we can help you in a group fitness class.

When coaching group classes we believe in ‘every class, every member’. In every class, it is our goal to coach and impact every member in one way or another. Each athlete deserves the opportunity to improve each day. Additionally, having met one-on-one with your coach means there is a better understanding of what you are working towards. What movements are difficult, what extra work is needed, and any additional warm ups necessary for each individual.

Coaching with this philosophy we hope to prepare our members for whatever tasks they are taking on outside of the gym. Whether it’s being Mom, Dad, softball player, recreational skier, hockey player, or track star we want to help you move better and achieve your goals.

With 2018 right around the corner there is no better time to join with several great options:

  • Our New Year 2018 Fundamental class will start Jan 2nd.

  • Holiday Training Special is 4 personal training sessions for the price of 3.

Two great opportunities for you to start your fitness journey. It’s also the perfect gift idea for someone you think would benefit greatly from our philosophy! We are excited to help you or a loved one get started. Call, email, or even better stop in and ask all about


-Your Coaches at Maxmead Fitness

Ryan, Elizabeth, & Brad


The Whole Life Challenge: Let's Talk Nutrition


What does “good nutrition” mean to you?


You may have heard the saying “food is fuel” which to a certain point is true. Food is energy and when broken down provides our body with the energy we need. However food is much more than just fuel because our bodies are much more than machines. The food you eat is made up of Macronutrients and Micronutrients. If you body’s missing any of these key components no matter how much “fuel” is in the tank your body isn’t going to function properly.


So, seeing as how food is more than fuel-our body’s are much more than machines. For example when you leave town for a road trip and stop at the gas station to fill up the tank you know exactly how far you are going to get before you need to fill the tank up again. Switch that thinking over to how you “fuel” your body. There may have been a time where you ate less but still gained weight. Or, conversely, started eating breakfast and your jeans fit a bit better. We are much more than calorie in/calorie out machines. The human body is much more of a self regulating, complex, and dynamically responsive system than most machines!


So with that in mind and thinking about what good nutrition means to you. I’d like you to consider energy balance: When the body doesn’t get enough energy it starts to shut down and will try to conserve energy by shutting down processes we don’t absolutely need, including some parts of metabolism, reproduction, and brain function. We've all had an evening when you’re at work feeling extremely sluggish, you get home, have some dinner and feel refreshed. Your body needed some energy!


On the other side too much energy coming into the body can also cause problems. Inflammation may increase, plaques can form on vessels, and we can become resistant to important hormones such as insulin. Having an appropriate energy balance for good nutrition will help all the body’s processes to perform-Leaving you feeling healthy, fit, and strong.  


Throughout the Whole Life Challenge try and push yourself to try new dishes, new flavors, and to look at your food as fuel for your body. The website www.wholelifechallenge.com  has wonderful recipes and check out this article for some great food prep ideas!


Let your coaches know if you have any questions during the challenge! We're here to help!


-Ryan, Brad, Elizabeth, and Brian

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