This week is the 3-month mark for the opening of the Maxmead Fitness gym. We are honored to be helping people train for life.
The journey began 22 years ago for a student at UW-Madison. It has twisted and turned through large and small gyms. From the beginning of “functional training” to CrossFit, from corrective exercise to Olympic weightlifting, it has been a wonderful journey that in many ways has only just begun.
Maxmead Fitness has become a place where athletes of all levels come to get stronger, healthier and more capable than the day before. A place to train for trips to beautiful meadows and weightlifting halls, a place to train for marathons and rugby games, a place to prepare for everyday activities and epic journeys. A place to build your fitness for wherever the ride takes you.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. We have learned from every client, co-worker, and mentor.
Thank you to all joined us. Your commitment to "Train for Life” is awesome! We are proud to support you!
Ryan McDowell, Elizabeth Moline, & Brad Loken
Buaidh No Bas